Sign Reach


Learning Agreement

Welcome to your course! We hope that you enjoy your course here at SignReach and are rewarded in your professional development. Like any form of learning, you will need to invest some time and effort in order to achieve your learning goals. This Learning Agreement is between you, your tutor and SignReach. It outlines everybody’s roles and responsibilities in the training programme. This document should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions.



SignReach will ensure that your teaching and learning is conducted in a safe environment, to comply with the regulations as an approved assessment centre as laid out by Signature, the national BSL awarding organisation.

SignReach will support you throughout your programme with any reasonable adjustments you require so long as we are notified before, or at the beginning of, the course.

SignReach has a responsibility to look after the safety and well-being of all students and staff. Anyone behaving in a way that threatens, or impacts on the learning of, others will be asked to leave.



Learners need to make sure that they agree to the policies below:

  • Arrive for all sessions on time. In the event of travel disruption to let your tutor know of your delay via email/text.
  • Follow and adhere to the ground rules as set out in the Course Handbook and discussed in the first session of the course.
  • Attend all sessions as advertised ahead of taking your place on the course. There is a minimum attendance level of 80% for the successful completion of all SignReach courses. If your attendance falls below this, your tutor may not be able to register you for unit assessments.
  • Ask questions to seek clarification about anything that is not understood, during the class, with the tutor and in a timely manner.
  • Familiarise themselves with the relevant Qualification Specifications.


I agree to study independently outside of the classroom, as specified by my tutor. This includes:

  • Making time between sessions to ensure that homework is completed BEFORE each class session and being ready to share homework with the group as appropriate.
  • Follow up with additional research as pointed out by the tutor in class.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to the Deaf community by attending Deaf events, volunteering, meeting Deaf friends etc.


All work produced must be my own.

I must inform SignReach at the start of the course of any special requirements I have so that they are able to apply for any reasonable adjustments with the awarding body on my behalf.

I must behave in an appropriate manner and be considerate of others, at all times.



Your tutor will ensure you are made aware of the SignReach policies and procedures relevant to your health and safety and to your quality of learning. The tutor agrees to:

  • Have the room and teaching materials ready to start the class at the scheduled time.
  • Provide a positive and encouraging learning environment in which to achieve the course aims and objectives.
  • Answer your questions, and any concerns, in the first instance, to the best of their ability.


If a tutor is unable to deliver a session, SignReach reserves the right to source a cover tutor who has the necessary experience/qualifications. If, due to unforeseeable circumstances, a scheduled class cannot take place, SignReach reserves the right to postpone or reschedule the session.



July 2022